Sunday, October 12, 2008

Thank goodness this will be a short week. The two days off on Thursday & Friday (for the state teachers' convention) will be a very welcome break, especially after the hectic pace of this last week.

Monday - p/t conferences
Tuesday - barbershop rehearsal (got home around 1)
Wednesday - crashed
Thursday - Heartland Symphony Orchestra rehearsal...then got a phone call around midnight.
Friday - trying to recover from screwed-up sleep schedule
Saturday - HSO dress rehearsal / performance
today - HSO performance

I'm going to have Schubert's "Unfinished" running through my head for a few days now - especially those two nasty little sections with all the accidentals on the 16th notes.

Busy is definitely going to be the word of the year at school, too. Between the high school group (or groups, depending on how you look at it - symphony, string orchestra, band - although it meets as one big group), the 6th-8th orchestra, 7th-8th band, 6th band, and 5th orchestra (31 kids! ), I'll be staying busier than a one-legged man in a butt-kicking contest.

Can I take a nap now, please? Three days should about do it...

Am also definitely looking forward to the possibility of getting to Beergle on Friday.

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