Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I refuse to get sick! Not this just ain't happening!

Barbershop contest went well - we finished 13th out of 17 choruses, but considering it was the first time we had ever made it to district contest, that's not a bad spot to start. (It looks even better if you ignore two categories, and just look at our singing score...that would have put us 7th!)

The high school concert went very well - and is the first time I've ever run out of programs. According to the choir director, the stacks I had sitting on music stands at the back of St. Henry's were gone by ten to 7...and there was still a steady stream of people coming in until nearly concert time at 7:30. It was a little difficult for set-up, but...considering it was a one-shot deal being out of the auditorium... We'll take it.

Next concert is tomorrow night - I probably should be a bit more concerned about it than I am, but at this point, they're either ready or they aren't, and there isn't much I can do about it either way. On the bright side, the fifth graders have only had their instruments for 6 weeks, so anything they play that is recognizable will most likely go over well.

Sanity check on aisle 3, please! The Long Prairie Orchestra doesn't have a bass player...and apparently, they couldn't find one to come in as a ringer. So, in a fit of (temporary??) insanity, I volunteered to jump from viola to bass - after last night's rehearsal. This means I have today and tomorrow to practice before the dress rehearsal with the soloists. Spent a couple of hours this afternoon going through spots...won't have a chance to look at it tomorrow because of the concert. This could be highly amusing...or hideously embarrassing. Ah,'s in Long Prairie, so the chances of running into anyone I know at the concert is pretty slim.

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