Sunday, November 26, 2006

A random bits-and-pieces entry...
Didn't shoot any deer during hunting season. In fact, I only shot once - on opening day. Didn't even see another one long enough to get another shot the rest of the season.
My knee hurts. Running into a hayrake will do that...I would have been able to avoid it, if I hadn't just turned on the lights and then walked toward the brushpile without letting my eyes adjust back to the dark. The bonfire was cool, though.
Had a nice surprise in the mailbox - a check for playing in the pit for Oklahoma! a couple of weekends ago. Always nice to have some unexpected income, no? :-)
Not sure I'm ready to referee basketball tomorrow night. The combination of a sore knee, first game of the year, and varsity guys could be a big challenge. I hope the swelling at least disappears by then, even if the bruise is still there.

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