Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Ahh...it's nice to have an internet at home again! It's even nicer that it's a DSL connection (12 MB) instead of 28K dial-up. Now I just have to find my webcam again, and I'll be completely set up...

Random tidbits from the past week or so:
- Oklahoma! went well...given another three weeks to practice, I probably would have been able to play most of the flute part, instead of only half to 2/3 of it.
- Judged a solo-ensemble contest last Saturday...only two schools, and just 7th & 8th grade, so it wasn't too difficult. Heard a few really well-prepared kids, and a handful that needed more practice time...
- Was definitely not ready to deal with the 3" of snow that came down last Friday. Blecch. More slop this morning, too - snow, but it was warm enough that it melted almost as soon as it landed, which made everything a sloppy mess.
- Basketball season is starting already...will be running the clock for a game tomorrow night. Time to start doing some running to get in shape for reffing. Don't have a game to work until the first week of December, but still...
- Really can't be arsed to do any decorating of the apartment. It looks pretty spartan, but considering how little time I spend here, and the fact that chances are very slim that I'll have visitors...doesn't bother me. I have my comfy chair and recliner situated so I can read in either one, the computer corner (in the bedroom, actually, since the only other place close to a telephone line hook up is in the kitchen), and the kitchen table (currently buried under a few boxes that still need to be unpacked). All the essentials are unpacked - just some random bits and a handful of kitchen things still boxed up.
- Have been devouring books again while waiting for the internet connection to be set up. The librarian gave me a funny look when I checked out two 300-plus page novels one day, and returned them the next. After doing that for 3 days in a row, the funny looks stopped. :D The list of what I've been reading includes mainly murder mysteries (featuring a detective in the "cold case" department of the LAPD) and action-adventure type (James Bond type...but not Bond).
- Elementary kids can be a bunch of nosy little pests. Have lost count of the number of times I've been asked if I'm married, have kids, have a girlfriend, when they get to meet my girlfriend (since they decided I have one, they want to meet her), why my girlfriend doesn't live with me (where did that come from?!?) and lots of other silly questions. :p

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