Monday, February 05, 2007

I love winter! It's cold enough this morning that when I stepped out side and took a deep breath, my nostrils froze shut. It's also cold enough - below -40 with the wind chill - that we don't have school...a fact I didn't find out until I had walked in, through a completely quiet building, and checked with the secretary to see if it was a one- or two-hour late start. Oh, well...

Will be headed off to Block shortly, since it's a fairly busy day scheduled there. Could turn out to be a dud, though, if people just hole up because of the cold... I'm not going to turn down the chance to pick up some hours at Block (even if they turn out to be bookkeeping and not tax prep), since no school = no pay.

Less than a week until KVSC trivia contest! Random trivia question for all 2 of you who bother to read this: Name the first US airline to hire a female flight attendant.

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