Wednesday, October 04, 2006

SpEd was more like a resource room than actual SpEd - kids whose reading levels are around 2nd grade level, mostly, or who need more indivivualized lessons. Not too bad, all in all.

Ross the intern could disappear from the Tonight Show, and it would improve tremendously. He is a blithering idiot, and is either the world's biggest wuss or has rocks in his skull. Biggest waste of 5 minutes Leno has ever had on - and he's a more-or-less regular fixture lately. I swear some of the SpEd kids I worked with the last two days would be more amusing.

Found out tonight that we actually get paid for attending the tax prep class that I'm taking. Not only does it help boost my pay for doing taxes starting in January, but I get paid for showing up? Bonus!

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