Was a little bummed that only one of the four people I most wanted to see was there...just P. No T, K, or L...but at least I have contact info for L, so I might just have to kidnap her for our own little class reunion next time I get to the Chicago area.
Working on the farm for a month was definitely a nice change of pace...but I'm happy to be done with that. There's still about a month before school starts, but my "to do" list to get ready for the year is huge, since I'll have six groups (5th, 6th, and 7th-8th orch, 6th and 7th-8th band, plus HS full symphony). Definitely need to work on getting my band chops back...got my flute out yesterday for a bit. Haven't done anything with clarinet or any brass yet, though. But I have a month to get ready, right?