Highlights: job hunting, subbing, more job hunting, barbershop district contest (in Sioux Falls), even more job hunting, annual barbershop show (Saint Cloud), an education job fair, and a couple of interviews.
Interview last week went okay - until the last question. Apparently the school has a very high-powered marching program. So much for that. They're interviewing another 4 people this week, too, so I'm definitely not going to hold my breath waiting for a job offer there. Oh, well. It isn't as though I don't have 50 other applications out. (And no, that isn't an exaggeration...might be off by a couple, but it's close. $35 on postage, plus 15 online apps...)
Worked a softball doubleheader last Thursday - has to be the easiest $110 I've ever earned. First game took just under an hour; second game about 1:15. The home team won both games...10-0 and 14-2 (or something like that). In the first game, the losing team didn't get a girl past second base - and she only got there because she was hit by a pitch, and then went to second on a little dribbler that didn't even get back to the pitcher. The baseball game on the diamond just a bit beyond the fence finished up just shortly after our second game.
Have games to work on both Monday and Tuesday this week. Monday is in Ladysmith, Tuesday in Hayward. Will have to drive like a madman to get to Hayward in time, since it's a little over an hour's drive from where I'll be subbing. School ends at 3:12; game is scheduled to start at 4:30...and we're supposed to be on the field at least 20 minutes before game time. I don't think I'm going to make that...but will let the AD know that I'll be there in time for the game to start on time.