Back to Block tomorrow...last time for a while, since it has slowed down considerably. I'll be on an every-other weekend schedule through the end of tax season...unless it gets really busy. (I don't think that will happen.)
Had a definite "thumbs up" moment today. Was standing in the hall during the four-minute passing time between classes, and the superintendent walked past, then turned around and came back to talk to me. He asked how I was doing, and if they were keeping me busy enough...and then added that he had told the principals to make sure that "I got called any time we need a substitute." Can't beat that kind of a recommendation!

Did a ride-share with a couple of guys from this side of the river to GNU rehearsal last night... On the way back, one of them asked when I thought I'd be "riser ready". Apparently, there have been a few conversations about getting me to join, because the membership guy asked me if I was ready to start the audition process, too. The only thing holding me back is that I don't know where I'll be teaching next fall...but you can bet if it's within a reasonable driving distance from the MSP area, I'm joining! (Roughly 85 guys there last night...14 tenors!!)
Have a college job app all but finished - have to add in some details (street addresses & phone numbers) of the schools where I've taught, and it's good to go. It's a community college, so a doctorate isn't a requirement, which is nice. Would be teaching music theory, appreciation, and directing the chamber orchestra...nothing I couldn't handle!