Sunday, November 26, 2006

A random bits-and-pieces entry...
Didn't shoot any deer during hunting season. In fact, I only shot once - on opening day. Didn't even see another one long enough to get another shot the rest of the season.
My knee hurts. Running into a hayrake will do that...I would have been able to avoid it, if I hadn't just turned on the lights and then walked toward the brushpile without letting my eyes adjust back to the dark. The bonfire was cool, though.
Had a nice surprise in the mailbox - a check for playing in the pit for Oklahoma! a couple of weekends ago. Always nice to have some unexpected income, no? :-)
Not sure I'm ready to referee basketball tomorrow night. The combination of a sore knee, first game of the year, and varsity guys could be a big challenge. I hope the swelling at least disappears by then, even if the bruise is still there.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

I've come to a conclusion about part of the afterlife...

Hell will include a really great radio, tuned permanently to NPR. And it will be permanently stuck in their pledge drive.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006's nice to have an internet at home again! It's even nicer that it's a DSL connection (12 MB) instead of 28K dial-up. Now I just have to find my webcam again, and I'll be completely set up...

Random tidbits from the past week or so:
- Oklahoma! went well...given another three weeks to practice, I probably would have been able to play most of the flute part, instead of only half to 2/3 of it.
- Judged a solo-ensemble contest last Saturday...only two schools, and just 7th & 8th grade, so it wasn't too difficult. Heard a few really well-prepared kids, and a handful that needed more practice time...
- Was definitely not ready to deal with the 3" of snow that came down last Friday. Blecch. More slop this morning, too - snow, but it was warm enough that it melted almost as soon as it landed, which made everything a sloppy mess.
- Basketball season is starting already...will be running the clock for a game tomorrow night. Time to start doing some running to get in shape for reffing. Don't have a game to work until the first week of December, but still...
- Really can't be arsed to do any decorating of the apartment. It looks pretty spartan, but considering how little time I spend here, and the fact that chances are very slim that I'll have visitors...doesn't bother me. I have my comfy chair and recliner situated so I can read in either one, the computer corner (in the bedroom, actually, since the only other place close to a telephone line hook up is in the kitchen), and the kitchen table (currently buried under a few boxes that still need to be unpacked). All the essentials are unpacked - just some random bits and a handful of kitchen things still boxed up.
- Have been devouring books again while waiting for the internet connection to be set up. The librarian gave me a funny look when I checked out two 300-plus page novels one day, and returned them the next. After doing that for 3 days in a row, the funny looks stopped. :D The list of what I've been reading includes mainly murder mysteries (featuring a detective in the "cold case" department of the LAPD) and action-adventure type (James Bond type...but not Bond).
- Elementary kids can be a bunch of nosy little pests. Have lost count of the number of times I've been asked if I'm married, have kids, have a girlfriend, when they get to meet my girlfriend (since they decided I have one, they want to meet her), why my girlfriend doesn't live with me (where did that come from?!?) and lots of other silly questions. :p